Informal Cual es su nombre. Para Spanish pronunciation typing Spanish accents and more.
How To Say My Name Is In Spanish Https Midobay Com How To Say My Name Is In Spanish How To Speak Spanish Learn A New Language Say My Name
Shane John so in Spanish Juan pronunciation.
How do you say my name is in spanish. Start with a warm hello. The owner of it will not be notified. Me llamo My name is Mi nombre es My name is But you can also start with another simple Spanish word soy which means I am.
If you want to introduce yourself you can say. If you want to learn more about it visit this post. Hello My Name Is in Spanish If you want to say the phrase hello my name is in Spanish you would say Hola mi nombre es your name A more relaxed version of the same expression would be Hola me llamo your name Want to ask someone what their name is.
My name is Shane Anthony Johnson. HI my name is Caleb nice to meet you. Cual es tu nombre.
My name is I am called I am known as mi nombre es loc verb locucion verbal. What is your name. Expert articles and interactive video lessons on how to use the Spanish language.
See 2 authoritative translations of My name is in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. If you want to learn more about it visit this post. Learn a few useful examples in this short video.
Though you need to pay attention to the context formal or informal when asking. Learn about por vs. You also might use buenos dias boo-AY-nohs DEE-ahs if youre speaking to the person during the day.
Asking someones name is extremely easy in Spanish. Want to know How do you say my name is in Spanish. In the afternoon you can use buenas tardes boo-AY-nahs TAHR-days if you want to greet the person based on the time of day.
Thus if your name is Chris you can say. Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer. Spanish words for my name is include Mi nombre es.
Wondering How do you say my name is in Spanish. Me llamo loc verb locucion verbal. The most basic and universal way to say hello in Spanish is hola OH-lah.
Formal Como te llamas. Answers When you disagree with an answer. Unidad lexica estable formada de dos o mas palabras que funciona como verbo sacar fuerzas de flaqueza acusar recibo.
Translate My name is. Say Mi nombre es followed by your name. For example if your name is John Smith say Mi nombre es John Smith The correct pronunciation of Mi nombre es is Mee nohm-breh es and its literal translation is My name is.
Learn a few useful examples in this short video. See a translation Report copyright infringement. Unidad lexica estable formada de dos o mas palabras que funciona como verbo sacar fuerzas de flaqueza.
Whichever method you use dont be afraid to sound silly. You can not say that you really know someone if you do not know the persons name. Youll be understood by following these directions and in nearly any Spanish-speaking area even the feeblest attempts to speak Spanish will be honored.
Therefore how can we ask the persons name and also introduce ourselves in Spanish. Use the sentences below. Whats your name is one of the most basic conversation phrases that you need to know when learning a language.
What is your name. Hola mi nombre es Chris. How do you say this in Spanish Spain.
What is your name.
How Do You Say My Name Is In Spanish Examples Part 1 Youtube
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Spanish Medium Review Grammar Saying Names In Spanish
How To Say My Name Is In Spanish 3 Steps With Pictures
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